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August 13, 2023
Why should we wait for the people of Maui to get help?

I've heard it said this attack was to take the land from the Maui people who would not sell to the Big Corps no matter what they were offered. Since they couldn't buy the land, those greedy criminals chose to literally burn them out (and cover the crime as an Act of Nature?)

--> If this is true <-- it's an unspeakable atrocity for which those inhuman like criminals should be held accountable, but the accountability process can take too long. The people of Maui need help NOW.... and I'm not talking about food, clothes, deodorant, toiletries etc. Yes, I recognize they need those things now on a daily biases and we can help with those things too.

What I'm suggesting is a lot bigger. A LOT BIGGER. If those criminals did this to take the land they couldn't buy, why should we let them get away with it? They made it impossible for the residents to stay. They took EVERYTHING from them. Their homes, memories, every possession they owned - even for some, their very lives. They even burned the banks to the ground (literally) so no records remain, no access to money. Now we're supposed to let they snap up that prime land for pennies? after they sweep the rightful residents off the island?

Ohana, The world is wide. It holds billions upon billions of good, decent human beings that hurt for the people of Maui, as I know you all do. So why can't we make a difference together?

Just think about this awhile and tell me what you think...

We can REBUILD LAHAINA and/or the other communities that were targeted. Make it possible for those lovely people to keep their land, build new homes and businesses. Together we can stand between the greedy land thieves and keep them from stealing that land. Many hands make light work. Small donations of whatever may be needed by millions can build something magnificent. Donate your time, your labor, the materials, money, whatever you can and we can do this.

The "Government" will send money to those people, supposedly to help them but you KNOW they will call it a low cost loan and expect them to pay it back (and expect us to think what a benevolent government we have).

I call Bullshit!

When I think of all the waisted Political Donations that go to electing criminals that abuse and cheat us, it just chaps my ass! (forgive my French)

I keep saying "Enough is Enough" but nothing changes. Heads nod and agree with me but they still keep getting away with it. Grrr... So... it came to me in my sleep last night. They can be prevented from profiting off the spoils and We The People can make that happen.

This is an idea (you might have a better one so don't be shy, let's discuss it, toss ideas around) we can sponsor a family. Many, many sponsors per family of small (or large) donations can sustain them while enabling them to get what they need & rebuild their homes and businesses. No Government Loan Largess needed. I want to sponsor a family. I don't want any of my donation repaid. I want to give it freely and with LOVE. My payment will be seeing them recover and thrive. I want to see the Island, their land, their homes, their lives remain their own.

If hundreds of thousands of us participate, WE CAN DO THIS! We can give to those in dire need while stopping the greedy criminals from succeeding.

I appeal to you with all my heart. Let us help them. Let us Stand in the Gap and stop evil in its tracks.

We Can Do This. I know we can. I live so far from Hawaii I don't even know what more I can do but send money, but if an organizer can be found... I know this is possible. Contractors have to be hired when you build a home don't they? Someone like that on a larger scale needs to be found. Someone there on Hawaii or willing to go there.

This will take TONS of work but, it - can - be - done. Dear Lord, I wish someone like Trump was available to organize this...

I'm gonna stop talking now. This is my Dream. Please, dear Lord, Glorious God Almighty, Please make this happen.


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