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RT: warning

Do you feel it heating up?

A LOT of people are going to prison when this is over. And a lot more will face military tribunals for their Acts of World War against the United States of America.

From Dark to [LIGHT]


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Was this an attack on Trump supporters?

Was this an attack on Trump himself? After his speech in Tucson, Arizona last week, more than 20 Trump supporters sitting right behind the President were hospitalized with severe eye injuries, severe blurring of eyesight.

Some sort of infrared instrument, perhaps?

G'morning Surfers! ☕🇺🇲💯🥰

*listen at the end...😆

This was a stain on America which I pray never happens again.
New Podcast for you all...

I couldn't sleep so I decided to rant on the news being put out by the left...
You can view it here: Here is a new podcast for you all... I named it What Did You Say? You can see it here...

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