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Liberals are fearing that New York could ‘go red’ after footage released of Donald Trump’s absolutely mind shattering rally in Long Island New York right now.
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🚨“We want to make it very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated…

You can’t get a job, you can’t go to a restaurant, your kids can’t go to school… you force people (to get vaccinated) by making it really uncomfortable…”

It was NEVER about heath and ALWAYS about control and compliance!!!

Trump using Crypto in Bar Key pub
Was this an attack on Trump supporters?

Was this an attack on Trump himself? After his speech in Tucson, Arizona last week, more than 20 Trump supporters sitting right behind the President were hospitalized with severe eye injuries, severe blurring of eyesight.

Some sort of infrared instrument, perhaps?


Got to love the Background pic

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I believe the camera pointing down to the Table Football might mean Game On.
"The Birds Have Sung, Let the Pigeons Loose"

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