Santa Surfing Ohana
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Good Morning Mrs. Santa and all you Wonderful Ohana Surfers. Please keep sending your prayers up for all the victims in North Carolina, Florida, and all effected areas. This is truly heartbreaking, so please continue to pray for all of them. God Bless you all Ohana Warriors.

Lovemylife Inspirationals:

Life is a mess.

One of the greatest truths in life is that life is messy. Between all of the drama that people put in their lives, or the pretending that everything is okay, or that argument we had with our spouse or friend, life can be really, really messed up. The thing is, we can be okay with it being messed up as well though. You do not have to be okay with the messiness of life, but we can be okay with life being messy. We can stop pretending that life is not messy. That there are times where life does not hurt. That things in life do not get out of our control. We can stop pretending that we do not want to shout and scream and yell at the top of our lungs because we are having a really hard time. There are times where we just find ourselves in the mists of crazy situations. Problems at home, or at school or work, a conflict, or emotional drama through no fault of our own. We think to ourselves, "just give me a minute, and I can figure this out." But the truth is, that sometimes you can, and sometimes you cannot. Sometimes life's messes are just too strong for you to handle. Sometimes there is no fixing the mess, and you must just go through it. That is where you need to go to God's rest from your mess. Yes, life may be messy, but God does step into our messiness to help us if we ask. God does not leave us here in all our mess, and says "Hey kiddo, maybe you should have taken a left instead of a right, now look at the mess you are in." "Good luck with all of that," and just leave us there. God does not do that to His children. God offers us grace and hope, and an escape from the problems we create in our lives. We just have to have faith in Him that He will help us through it. He rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved son for all whom believed in Him. Listen, life is messy, but with God, all things are possible. Even navigating the messy waters of life. Trust in Him, and you will get through it all.

God Bless

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October 03, 2024
Priceless! G'morning and sorry for the f-bombs, but this is great 😁☕💯🇺🇲💪🏼
Hello Ohana, I pray you are all having a blessed day...

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