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“That you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” -EPHESIANS 3:17-19
We ought to meditate on this daily and ask the Lord to open our eyes to see the height, depth, width, length, and breadth of this JESUS Whom we say we serve. May God deliver us from our own idea, concept, perception, and illusion of a small Christ and give us revelation into the preeminence of His Son.
When we see Christ as All in All then it will be impossible for us to ever again be reduced to the small, the trivial, the petty things which occupy us and waste so much of our time. Our only hope is seeing a Christ that fills us, a Christ that is greater than us, a Christ that is larger than we can fathom, an indescribable Christ that overshadows, overwhelms, and consumes us through and through!
His parents, skeptical of the diagnosis and seeking a second opinion, refused the treatment. Before any bloodwork confirmed the diagnosis, the doctors reported Parker’s case to the state, claiming he had only two weeks to live, prompting a court order to force the treatment.
The parents defied the court, and Parker’s father was charged with kidnapping his own son after fleeing Utah to protect him. He was arrested in Idaho, while Parker and his mother remained on the run for weeks. Ultimately, it was proven that Parker never had cancer in the first place, and a judge dismissed the charges.
Despite their vindication, the Jensens sued the state and lost, with no accountability for the false diagnosis or the trauma inflicted. Similar incidents of gov't overreach in medical cases continue to occur today.
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