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Bad storm last night that knocked out power & Internet starting around midnight and was finally restored late this afternoon. Lots of trees down in this area. Everything around my home survived except many large & small tree limbs and one old dead tree. The Lord preserved us, Hallowed be the Lord God.
I’m recovering from a cold. This is day four and thanks to ivermectin & rest I only have the usual residual light cough which seems to be breaking up. Thank you God for ivermectin!
Y’all stay safe, healthy & blessed. Catch y’all later 👋
Dear Ohana,
I've been in and out of this page, more lurking that anything. I missed the fact that Santa had moved stateside. I thought the talk about Texas was another get together. That's how much I've been unplugged.
There aren't many places I feel free to share things. This has been a safe venue. I admittedly felt some frustration after the FL get together, after I discovered that a dear person was banned from Locals, accused of taking part of whatever the issues were there, yet not being a part of it at all. She and her husband are walking a deep struggle right now with his diagnosis of brain cancer. I hope that people will pray for them. He's had several setbacks and looks drawn and weak. If ever a med bed could be used right now, it would be welcomed in their lives.
Things feel strange since Trump's return. There is still a lot of malice out there; it is evident in posts that I come across. I don't feel connected with the things he is doing, probably because I have not immersed myself in them. I don't agree with the ...
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